FBI OFFER: Hapless govt groping over blind theory  

Guwahati: Assam is really unlucky. Unlucky in the sense that she suffered badly on the socio-political and economic fronts not only because of poor leadership, rampant corruption and natural calamities, but also because of rebel groups who kill mainly the unarmed people of its own nationality and destroy social and national capital that can be used by the people under any government.

In the last two weeks, the rebels killed many people who donot know where they were bombed and killed even the operators do not know why they were killing the innocent people. It is pity that the hapless government is groping over blind theories leading to nothing. The home minister and the defence ministers are telling the same old stories that the serial blasts throughout the North East are conspiratorial act guided by the ISI. The defence minister said the tone most emphatically that it is ISI and there are a few camps where the conspirators are trained. But uptil now, Assam Chief Minister is not sure of ISI involvement.

Most of the top Congress leaders in Assam think that the ISI hand is generally favoured theory of the BJP and Sangh Pariwar. Tne allegation is generally made by the BJP and Sangh people. The move behind the allegation is very clear. The state Congress leaders' objections to this type of allegation is also very clear. Political pundits think that with this allegations the Sangh Parivar is fomenting suspicion against the minorities. This type of arguments are very common and based on some half backed ideas that enrolls each ministers as ISI agent.

What the home ministry anbd defence ministry say bases on most probably on some half truth. Yes, half truth, fragments link together to mould the Pak conspiracy theory. It is half truth becasue Pakistan and leader general is there ISI would take chance. There is other mentors like the CIA with poky nose. It is now coming with a proposal that is ready to help the state government ib finding the culprits behind serial blasts and killing of innocent peoples. If I imagine, that the pokerfaced sun is coming forward to safeguard the ISI then it will be something mudy. Now we are all for "India-Pak bhaibhai" and nobody should shake the balance. The Centre has yet to decide on offering a greenleaf to the FBI. But the wide satisfaction is louder than the greenwards of actual permission.

The most favoured theory of New Delhi, in consonance with the American boss is the theory of Global terror, ie terror propagated by the Muslim fundamentalist Osama bin Laden. The frame of the future war zone is the North East, the groups demanding right of self determination for a long period, are all conspirators under pay roll of Al quida.

FBI must be invited to fit the jigsaw together. The real truth of the untold part of the story is that FBI must prove the presence of al Quida in the region to play the role of the global boss. After all, it ius the honest duty and responsibility of the boss to safeguard the interest of the poor puppet.

Let us be frank enough to tell the revealed part of the story. It is the story of negligence and uneven development or under development of the region. Untold negligence and backwardness of the region is the dark calderas from which there is open eruption of venom. Inviting FBI is just inviting the war front to the door step. Particularly, in a region like the North East or Kashmir, it will be synonymous to globalising the local issue. It is either political knavity and ignorance that prompts an honest individual to invite and give shelter to a cub of white elephants.

Once I read a story of a cub of white elephant by a very famous African political figure of Nehru era. The story was about a small, lonely and lean elephant that was invited by a man( most probably a black skinned one) and gave him a small piece of wood to sit in the corner of the dining rooom. Gradually, it grows and occupies to the whole room. day by day, it becomes larger and larger and the owner left the whole sleeping room, then the portico. Still it grows, figure expands and got the courage to throw out the owner of the house to the street. It is all about imperialism. Thanking the story teller than Iomo Kanyatta I can conclude that invitation to a small cub may be the ultimate cause of becoming uprooted and father of street children.

Terrorism is propagated by America itself by adopting mass destruction technique everywhere. he gives strong ground for terror to survive. It is just like a viper eating the viper. Terrorism in this sense is weapon of imperialism-it gives imperialism the most wanted chance to launch a full scale attack against a state, a nation or a big revolution. it evident in Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq. Terrorists invited the war, but when the marine and the bobms came, they vanished. Nowhere they resisted imperialism in the world. There is no such thing genuine as red terror. Terror is terror in any form and it should be combated ideologically, politically with a mass based method. Anf the best thing is to free the nation of all sorts of hypocrisy, exploitation and suppression and there will be no trace of terror.

Terror exists only in a state of terror. make everything free from terror and suppression and give vent to all political options and talk, let us sit face to face and talk business. Make the self free from terror, free from conspiracy. Be overboard and there will be no terror. make it sure that you are not giving vent to ideas of the Uncle Sam, ot the calderas would be wide open with fire and throw the mountain to to dust and smoke on the peak of which you are sitting. Put the question to the people. The answer is ready: you can invite the Americans, but why you cannot invite your own brothers and sisters for genuine and sincere talk? be receptive to the peoples voice.  

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