Guwahati to be the greenest city in India by 2010

NET News Network 

Guwahati May11: There is a fresh beam of hope for the nature lovers. Amidst large scale erosion and water logging together with rising pollution troubling Guwahatians since the last couple of years the forest department is embarking on transforming the city into the greenest city of India by 2010. 

The Forest department has decided to enhance the ongoing yearly plantation programme under Seuj Prakalpa (green project) by planting another 15 lakhs of saplings by 2005. 

“Since 2003 we are implementing the plantation in the city. This year we have augmented our programme following better outcome during the last two years”, said Paresh Das, the Forest Range Officer. 

He informed that out of targeted plantation of 10 lakhs saplings, 6lakhs and 7 lakhs saplings were distributed during 2003 and 2004 respectively. 

Informing that large scale of NGOs, government organizations, senior citizens groups, more schools including the corporate groups will be involved to implement the project Das stated of receiving positive response from the people and peer groups.  

“The forest department is undertaking this project independently without government funds ”, he claimed stating that a peer forest group will provide technical support to those taking up the plantation. Already 43 NGOs have come up for the purpose. 

“ A hill city like Guwahati with plenty of forests and hordes of wildlife residing in then has the every potential to surpass Delhi as the Greenest city of India”, said Mrigen Baruah, Range officer, Wild Life Range, Guwahati. 

Guwahati has seven reserve forests inside the city and three in its adjoining areas where rare animals like bison, hullock gibbons including elephants are found. But due to large-scale encroachment and cutting of forests city is experiencing rising pollution and high temperature.


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