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In today's meeting with the Dean's team the main points we made were:

Sarah Riggs did a
great job for Africa and international students' benefits to HGSE,and Juan was great about grass roots indigenous students and the mechanisms to bring them here and the troubles they face. Rafael was great in speaking about need to the US about getting a global perspective (by getting more international students - in education) and about Harvard getting its schools more integrated and research consultancies for getting funds etc.
they noted it down seriously and also about a proposal by Rafael to stagger the course over an 18 month period -so that international/working students have more time to work as well as study and learn.

We also discussed about promoting awareness about our programs abroad and the 3 points we had in mind-about tapping Foundations, Deferments and special interest in getting grassroots educators here.

It is upto the alumni(us) -a Jim Stiles (Associae Dean Acad.) said - to pester them to make them do something about it-keep pestering, inquiring etc. US based alums can be of great help in that regard. Sarah Hay amd Sarah Riggs and Anisa are ofcourse willing to take it up but I'm sure many more would be keen to do it too.



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Umesh, Juan, Sarah, and Rafael,

you were all very eloquent, as was Umesh's original letter to the dean, on the subject of financial aid for international students, especially international students from poorer countries and for those applicants from the more marginalized populations in those countries. Things move slowly at Harvard, but the trend towards more financial aid for GSE students does seem to be real. Unfortunately, it hasn't yet reached the Ed.M. students. However, it is important that the administration hear from students -- as well as others -- and you did an excellent job of presenting the case thoughtfully and cogently. I know that my colleagues in the room were impressed and I trust they will gain confidence in this mission from the fact that students like yourselves are so very obviously contributing to the intellectual life on this campus while you are here and so very obviously going out into the world to make it a better place for children and other learners when you leave here.


Rosalind Michahelles
Assistant Director of Student Affairs
  for International Affairs
101 Larsen Hall
Harvard Graduate School of Education
Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
tel: (1)617-495-5903

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