Rajib-da wrote:
We need the bobby to be putting in those bullets. We
also need the protestors to be keeping them on the
edge. Hopefully therein they would find a balance over
the long term term.
That seems quite a balanced view.

Rajib Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is that all true? I mean about the comparison between
the bobby and the thulla? I agree with you on the
decision to put those 8 (wasn't 1 enough?) bullets
through the head of a guy running away despite police
entreaties and that too with a long coat on.

But c'mon - the bobby has had only the first case of
bombing from the mullahs. The Indian army has had it
happening for sometime now. One hit and the Muslim
community has threats, graffiti, mosque burning and
what not coming in from the general populace. What
happens when that happens on a fairly regular basis
-let's say once every month or so for the next 10
years? I am sure they will be butchered way before

Let's not give the bobby too much credit - wasn't his
ancestor responsible for Jallian Wala Bagh? Wasn't
British policy one of absolute passivity all these
! years - give all these Jihadists that create trouble
all over the world shelter. Till they come home to

Finally, when the very same guys (idealogicially
speaking) did the Bombay blasts not too long back (and
there were 500 killed, not 50) - the British
government (or was it the EU) that had the gall to
call upon India to solve Kashmir to prevent these

We need the bobby to be putting in those bullets. We
also need the protestors to be keeping them on the
edge. Hopefully therein they would find a balance over
the long term term.

--- Rini Kakati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

The difference between the Indian Army and British
Bobby is -- the Indian Army do it all the time in a
callous, calculative and well planned manner. Whereas
the police officer in London had to do it in split

This morning when I walk past the high street I saw
few p! eople waving placards reading "Racist killers",
"No shoot to kill". In my mind to say how lucky you
guys are ! -- you are not one of those innocents
killed in 7 July. But none of these idealistic
protesters have put themselves in the shoe of the
undoubtedly courageous police officers who are
struggling to protect Britain from the ever --
burgeoning threat of terrorism.

It was human error and we all do it. But the
difference in other professions, can apologise for
their mistakes and move on. It is never that simple
for a police officer on what is rapidly becoming the
war-style front line of crime fighting in Britain.

If the Brazilian had been a suicide bomber, shouting
to injure would'nt have prevented him from detonating
a bomb. If it is my son I'd be shouting and screaming
and demanding a full explanation into how this
terrible mistake robbed an innocent man of his life.
Looking at it objectively, what is the alternat! ive ?.

This is a terrible tragic mistake and no one wishes to
distract from the grief suffered by Jean Charles de
Menzes' family. But if this country and everyday
commuter like myself is going to stand a chance of
beating terrorism then Sir Ian Blair (Met
Commissioner) is right to say the "shoot-to-kill"
policy stays in place.

Rini Kakati

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