Hello Esteemed Porhuixokol,

Volume 33,  Issue No 10, June 2005 of the Newsletter has been published. This our 22nd consecutive monthly publication. Thank you for your patronage during this time.

The newsletter can be downloaded from http://assam.org/newsletter/july2005.pdf
The table of contents is given below:

- Assam 2005: My Impressions . . . . . ..  . . . .. . . 1
- Assam 2005, Disneyland, Orlando, USA  . . . . . . 2
- Book Review . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .  . . .. . . . .. .. .3
- The Passage by Sancjayota Sharma .  . . . .  . . ..4
- London Torn into Pieces: My Heart Bleeds . . .....5
- Some Key Concepts of Assam Vaishnavism ... .  .5
- Golden Jubilee of AEC and Sustainability Issues . 6

We appreciate your valuable feedback, comments & suggestions.

Thanking you,

With regards,

Satyam Bhuyan (Ames, Iowa)
Ganesh Bora (Lake Alfred, Florida)
Prasenjit Chetia (Atlanta, Georgia)
Babul Gogoi (New Delhi, India)
Jugal Kalita (Colorado Springs, Colorado, Editor-In-Chief)
Symanta Saikia (Wichita, Kansas),
Vavani Sarma (Secane, Pennsylvania)
Rini Kakati (London, UK)
Umesh Sharma (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Ram Sarangapani (Houston, Texas)


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