Education is not necessary to gauge whether an action 
is unjust to the point of being depraved. 

Ours is a society that digests (and shall I say
thrives on) injustice on a day to day level. Never
mind how educated we become. How much prosperity seeps
into our middle class midst. How much of the rest of
the world we see.

As I have often repeated, we might have had only 3 ot
4 times in history where we have seen ideas emerge
with leaders to execute them that were just. No wonder
we have had so many years of foreign rule.

I guess we need leaders again that will get the masses
to rise - otherwise we will continue to bend societal
institutions, effectively shut out new religions and
corner the economic system.

> in the country, with the best educational
> institutions and  
> 'corruption free' and more India than Indians ??
> cm

> The untounchables Part - II
> what upper castes do to dalits, the dalits do to
> vannars
> Wretched of the Earth
> For Puthirai Vannars, the diktat is clear. They are
> destined to live 
> as their ancestors did. And die everyday. Without
> self-dignity or 
> aspirations. As slaves in modern India. That is why
> they ask: Who 
> says India is free?
> By PC Vinoj Kumar
> Chennai
> Darkness Within: They carry the torch during wedding
> processions
> There have been cases where dalit men have raped our
> women. They bear 
> the cost of abortion and put an end to the matter.
> The victimised 
> women don't go to the police. There have been cases
> where dalit men 
> have exploited our women when they go to get food
> from their houses - 
> Irusan Ragupathi, president, Tamil Nadu Harijan
> Washermen Federation
> If given a choice, most Puthirai Vannar families
> would like to put an 
> end to the practice of begging for food. They long
> for the day when 
> they can cook at home, for it would give them a
> sense of 
> self-dignity. But dalits don't allow them to cook.
> The reason is not 
> far to seek. When the Vannars beg for food, it
> destroys their 
> self-worth. The tradition perpetuates the slave
> mentality, pre-empts 
> and crushes a rebellious spirit.
>   "It's worse than the slavery that existed in the
> West," says 
> Professor A. Sivasubramanian, currently doing
> research on the 
> community. "People bought the slaves there. To a
> certain extent, they 
> were looked after well because the owners had to
> suffer losses if 
> they fell sick or died. But the Vannars have no such
> advantages. 
> Dalits treat them just as slaves but refuse to take
> their 
> responsibility in terms of welfare."
>   In most ways, this social oppression is the mirror
> image of how 
> dalits are treated by the upper castes all over
> India. Till date, in 
> many villages, the Vannars cannot sit in front of a
> dalit. They are 
> not allowed to take water from their street taps.
> "When there is a 
> death in a dalit house, we have to perform special
> duties. We prepare 
> the dead body and make the padai (burial cast). As
> people walk to the 
> crematorium, we are required to spread sarees on the
> ground before 
> them to walk on it. After the rituals are completed,
> we sit down 
> wearing a white dhoti and the mourners drop coins on
> it," says 
> Santhappan of Velankani Nagar in Tiruvannamalai
> district.
>   According to another tradition, the Vannars are
> required to carry 
> the 'theepantham' (a flaming torch) during wedding
> processions. There 
> is fire in their hand, and darkness within.
>   Those defying this ancient heirarchy are repressed
> ruthlessly. There 
> have been instances when Vannars in some villages
> have refused to beg 
> for food. But they have either been forced to fall
> in line or driven 
> out of the village. Rosamma of Elanthapet village in
> Cuddalore 
> district decided to stop this daily house-to-house
> begging for food, 
> and instead started cooking food at home. But she
> was forced to go 
> back after direct threats from dalits. "They forced
> me to eat the 
> leftover food," she says.
>   About two years ago, in Athanur in Villupuram
> district, a man was 
> forced to eat leftover food by a dalit family. When
> he refused to 
> eat, they chased him out of the village. The diktat
> is clear. If you 
> are born a Vannar, you are destined for a
> predetermined way of life. 
> Live as your ancestors did. Have no dreams or
> aspirations. Die 
> everyday.
>   All over the country, dalits suffer at the hands
> of upper caste 
> people. As far as the Vannars are concerned, the
> same dalits are the 
> perpetrators of atrocities against them. Irusan
> Ragupathi, state 
> president of the Tamil Nadu Harijan Washermen
> Federation, a Puthirai 
> Vannar outfit, talks of dalit atrocities. "In many
> villages in Senji 
> taluk in Villupuram district, dalit men have raped
> our women, then 
> they bear the cost of abortion and tell us to keep
> shut. The 
> victimised women don't go to the police. There have
> been cases where 
> dalit men have exploited our women when they go to
> get food from 
> their houses."
>   The Vannars face other forms of harassment as
> well. In 
> Fathimapalayam in Villupuram district, instigated by
> the upper 
> castes, dalits have been creating problems for about
> 35 families 
> living there. "They want to take over our land. They
> are using the 
> dalits to drive us out of our homes," say the
> villagers. A case of 
> manhandling was registered against some dalits but
> no action has been 
> taken so far.
>   The younger generation, however, is getting
> restless. They want an 
> end to this injustice. "Everyone says that the
> country has attained 
> independence and we are now free. What independence
> are they talking 
> of?" asks Esumuthu of Vandipalayam in Villupuram
> district. This is a 
> question which no one wants to answer, especially
> the political 
> establishment.
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