India isn't breaking up anytime soon. It's time to
breakup has long passed. USSR was bankrupt by the time
it was breaking up. More than anything else India's
different regions and its pan Indian middle class have
a very strong economic case to stick together. The
status quo powers and their capitalist machinery NEED
India to be one entity - for both economic and
military reasons. India's federal army has way more
funds today (at far less a percentage of GDP) than
ever before.

Except for some age old, diehard veterans on this
board and some quixotic planners in Pakistan, IMHO
there aren't too many that think it is possible in the
immediate future - read our lifetimes. As for 200
years hence, it is too far away.

Oh yes, with this may I add, the time for revolt and
revolution is also long over. There is a better
business case for sitting down quietly and peacefully
and letting people work and earn money. It isn't any
wonder why the streets of Assam aren't exactly burning
with the fire of revolution.

But Mike, you have posed an interesting question.
Share your theories and answers to the questions you
have posed.

> Take time asking 'Is India heading Somewhere?'
> What if India broke up without bloodshed - USSR
> Style? Who will gain and who 
> lose?

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