It may be that you are trying to bring about a cohesion between Eastern and western faiths -- just like Swami Yogananda did during his three decade stay in the West (author of "Autobiography of a Yogi") He also quoted scriptures of both Hinduism and Christianity and declared that Krishna and Christ were both incarnations of God.
But in this case the quotations you mention seem to be cooked up - no reference is given. I am quite sure that the author has just written something in Sanskrit -and is passing them as Hindu Mantras -  to prove that there was description in Hindu scriptures that Jesus would be born.
The first mantra refers to - Brahmaputra - literally son of God . You may not agree but Hindus believe that we all are children of God. The Advaita (only One) Hindu philosophy says "Brahmasmi" - I am God - meaning that each soul is potentially divine and a part of the Supreme and we all can reach Godhood - by prayer and Yoga. The Dvaita (Two) philosophy says that God and our souls are apart - but all souls are equally divine. Thus we are ALL children of God (to say in western sense). We do NOT believe that ONLY Jesus was the SON of God. We ALL are. He was definitely a spiritual superior and many Hindu Yogis - like Yoganada or Vivekanand or ISKCON's Prabhupad believe that Christ was the same as Krishna.  
 We also believe that there have been many incarnations/prohets since then. We Hindus also do not believe that GOd is a man (father) or a mother or a child. God/Brahma is Nirgun (without good or bad qualities) and Niraakaar ( formless) and  omni present -- so God cannot be a father who has a son (and no mother). The various forms of idols you see in Hindu temples are like the angels or higher beings - and not God/Brahma. I am glad you could make out that Hindus also worship ONE God (or Brahma)  a fact not realized by even many Hindus.
You say that Jesus is the only true prophet and all others - like Muhammad or Krishna or Buddha are false - in your remarks here it amounts to that -- I would say that this is the root cause of bloodshed in the present times - in Iraq or Nagaland or other places. This is fanaticism.
 I was surprised that you decided to place religion above national integration - by proletyzing at India's Independece Day celebration.
I hope God would give you the good sense to respect other faiths and NOT to misquote from scriptures of other faiths. For instance - your other leaflet had quotations from RigVeda -

The sacrificial victim is to be crowned with a crown made of thorny vines (Rigveda X : 90: 7,15) (Bruhadaranyakopanishad III : 9 : 28)

I happen to have brought a copy of Artarva and Rig Veda from India with me. Rig Veda has ONLY four chapters (adhyaya) whereas your quote above seems to be from chapter TEN!!
We Hindus also believe in twice born or born again - after acheiving Nirvana - thus only those Hindus who have achieved Nirvana stage are really truly Brahmins (called Dwija - twice born) .
 If you look up Bhagwat Geeta - chapter 16 (I think shoka 39 to 42) you would learn that the castes were NOT by birth but by action. Unfortunately in reality the priestly class chose another route -similar to the Papacy which led to Protestanism. You may be happy to know that many Hindus of so-called upper caste are busy in social integration among Hindus of various castes - including my father .
I would advise you to look up the Upanishads or Vedanta and practise Yoga to achieve a fulfilling spiritual life.
May God/Brahm/Allah/ Ahur Mazda be with you.

Daniel israel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear Umesh,

Thanks for stopping by yesterday. I really admire your zeal passion for absolute truth. Since
you were in a great hurry, I could not talk to you much.

1. Om Brahamaputra Namaha
Oh thou son of god, I worship thee.
Jesus, the Son of God.
No doubt Jesus is the son Of God. - John 3:16

The first line is the Sanskrit Scripture. I am going to provide you the web site of this article.
Perhaps you could contact the author straight and get the clarification and reference of the
Scripture. (

The second line is the literal translation of the first line in English, which many agree, is

The third and fourth lines are interpretations and commentaries of the writer of this article
(Mani Iyer). We should have actually kept those sentences within parenthesis, and noted as
commentary. We ! will do that very soon, and try to get the reference and insert it there too.

I am going to try to get the person's email so that you can connect with him straight and clarify
this matter.

But in the mean time, I want you to see the overall picture of what I am doing. I am trying to
make people focus on a very unique God, who is above eastern and western religious ideals. I am
very much interested in making people see Jesus without any cultural bias, or religious bias, and
follow this person with all their mind, strenght, soul, and Spirit. This person was actually
historical, and very unique in power and majesty. (Please take time to read my articles from our
web page, "Jesus, unique God, Is jesus the only way, following Jesus is not westernization" etc.)
The minute you meet this person face to face in your life through His spoken Words, and His
Spirit, your life will be completly transformed. For Him, there is no such thing called high
cast! e or low caste (which are nothing but man made tradition) but there are only two kinds of
people- righteous and the sinners, and He came down to seek and save those who want to be saved by

There are only two ways we can reach Moksha. One is by living a perfect life as God wants us to
live, or by His Grace alone. Now Grace and Mercy came through Jesus Christ. Jesus lived a
perfect, sinless life, and offered Himself as a sacrifice on the cross for our sins, and whosoveer
believe in His atoning death will receive permanent fogiveness through Grace, and therby eternal

If we attempt to attain perfection with our own works, it is an uphill task. (Please read my "Is
Jesus the only way" article. The mountain that we need to climb is not a small mountain. It is
higher than the moon, stars, or even galaxies. It is pure human arrogance to think that we can
reach the top of this mountain and we can be like God with our own works or efforts. T! his is
where I sharply disagree with any other religious belief. I belive that we are saved by grace,
and not by works, lest we boast. It keeps me so humble because, my salvation did not come by my
own works, but through my savior, who poured his life on the cross for my sins.

For me Jesus is everything to me. I just want everyone to take a good look at Him. Please read
book of John from the Bible, and you will immediately know that this person is too special to be
compared with any other human religious leaders.

We inserted all those mantras to let every one know that even Hindu Scriptures have spoken about
this Unique God in a Unique manner. Please excuse me, if I had given you any false signals or
cues through those articles. You seem to be a very bright person, and we could learn so much from
each other in a humble manner. If you are interested in studying with me together, please let me

May Lord Jesus shower His Grace a! nd mercy upon you and your family!


Daniel Israel
Church of India

umesh sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I just met the pastor of Chruch of India at Indian Independence Day celebration at Eleanor Roosevelt High School, Green Belt Marylnd, who gave out leaflets with the following translation of reportedly Vedic mantras. I couldn't find the match between the translation and the original.
Can you find any or is there a mistake in the translation?


When Bro. Mani Iyer was a hindu priest, he was chanting sanskrit mantras which were made by brahmin legends. After hereceived divine light from Lord Jesus from Bible (word of God), Acts 17:28, he explains the exact meanings of mantras given below. Apart from all of these mantras "Word of god lives for ever".

All glory to Lord Jesus.

1. Om Brahamaputra Namaha
Oh thou son of god, I worship thee.
Jesus, the Son of God.
No doubt Jesus is the son Of God. - John 3:16

2. Om Kannisuthaya Namaha
Oh thou son of a virgin, I worship thee.
Jesus, the son of Virgin.
Jesus was born of virgin Mary.
- Mathew 1:23

3. Om Panchakaaya Namaha
Oh thou the bearer of five wounds on your body, I worship thee.
Jesus bore five wounds on his body.
Five wounds were inflicted on Christ when he was nailed to the cross. - Isaiah 53:5

4. Om Virtcha Soola Arunthaya Namaha
Oh thou was hung on the tree. I worship thee.
Jesus died on the Cross.
Jesus was hung on the cross made of wood. - 1 Peter 2:24

5. Om Mrutham Jayaya Namaha
Oh thou who had victory over death, I worship thee.
Jesus the risen savoir.
Three days after the death of Jesus Christ, he rose fro! ! m the dead. - Isaiah 25:8

For more information about Bro. Mani Iyer please visit

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