Dear Mike,
Charles Darwin was also a Wester scientist like the ones mentioned in the artcle. The development of scientific knowledge takes place on the assumption that the current scientific theories are only the best available explanation to cover the facts known currently. Hence, in light of new discoveries theories are constantly rewritten.
Charles Darwin did a magnificant research in South America and elsewhere and propounded his theory which not not accpeted till 30 years after his death (you can see a PBS documentary on it " Darwin's dangerous idea " or order a DVD online).
However, since so many current scientists of Discovery Institute etc are not happy with Darwin's Evolution theory it is not unreasonable to discuss the issue to try to get a better theory.
I happened to visit MIT's Museum this summer - mostly on their work on their cutting edge work on Artificial Intelligence and robotics. I was suprised how little we have achieved after 50 years of research, even which childhood geniuses there - one of whom  graduated from Harvard with a PhD at age 19!!
Right now we are not able to simulate the movements or a cockroach - in robots. Their lab seems to have made good progress in using computer imaging for looking into human organs while doing surgery.
So if a coackroach's movements are so complex to understand how much more complex are humans. So these Intelligent Design proponents seem to have a point there. They say that even if single celled creatures came about thru natural processes - such as proper mix of chemicals and perhaps some lightening effect (maybe like the transformation of Peter Parker into Spiderman) -they say - it is unlikely that complex human beings could have evolved from them in millions of years.
For some reason, nearly all religions think (incl. Hindus and Christians) that humans are the highest level of animals in the universe.
However, if we look at the aspect of human mind's sharpness - which led to the modern inventions and discoveries -- till 40,000 years ago - not very long if you go by standards of evolution or life development - humans were not much brighter than cro-magnan man. In the Nile valley in current day Egypt  - human brains got sharpened  by their interest in making beads - for decoration and perhaps trade (as per a PBS documentary - DVD available online) . It was then that humans left Africa and moved to Asia and elsewhere. Then, the process of brainy humans started. So, if in ONLY 40,000 years humans can sharpen their brains so much and do so much -- where does the question of some God or Super Intelligent being's involvement come into question.
So, reiterating, when human brain can evolve so fast in just 40,000 years is it not exteremely plausible that complext organisms could evolve from single celled organisms in MILLIONS of years. I think it is very very likely. So I believe the Darwin was right.
However, I also believe that God exists. So I was thinking about God's role in the process. I do not know Mike whether you beleive in God but if you do - like me -- then you must realize that many of our actions are guided by God's grace and the results of our actions - have a great chance of luck (or God's gift/mercy). As Krishna says in Geeta - you do your actions/Karma and don't worry about the results (I'll/God'll take care of them). I really do not quite follow the logic of Karma other than that we must do what we feel is right .
My point is that even our actions -- such as Archimedes discovering his principle of floatation and shouting Eureka!! from his bath tub -- was a spark in the mind. A thought. What generated that thought. Current day science (including artificial intelligence technology) has no idea about these sparks. I would say that God generated that spark or Eureka.
In that sense I believe that God or a higher being helps us in our quest to improve our lives by giving us our sparks of wisdom - a reward for our Karma /actions in intense puruit of truth. This it is possible that God helped in rewarding individual simple living organisms of the distant past  adapt and evolve into those more complex and better adapted to survive in the changing world.
Now the question whether God exists is an old one. Many have asked including Swami Vivekanand - who later became convinced from his spiritual experience due to an old devotee who later became his Guru. Further, lost of miracles ahve been witnessed and documented in both India , the Europe and elsewhere - whereby some saints neither eat food nor drink any liquid - just survive on air - supposedly tested by scientists also.  They survive through God's grace etc etc.
So I would say that humans could certainly evolve from single celled organisms - in many million years - however, God or some superior creature may have played a part as a catalyst - along the way - rewarding those organisms develop superior features -who tried harder!!
What are your views? Do not say that theories need to be developed by Western scioentists only -- esp when God is invovled in the picture. Perhaps Asians are more evolved when it come to exploring God -since ALL major religions orginated in Asia.

mc mahant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Brit Charles Darwin/'s theory was that only the fittest of breeds
survived.(after all types created)
This obscre-so what- Institute thought that the Best Breeds were
Manufactured that way.
Bush is a proponant of the 2nd thought.
I never knew he was a thinker-and a deep one at that

>Subject: [Assam] Politicized Scholars Put Evolution on the
>Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2005 18:16:18 -0600
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>God only knows what is what! Harvard also joins this research effort now.
>NATIONAL | August 21, 2005
>Politicized Scholars Put Evolution on the Defensive
>The Disco! very Institute is the ideological and strategic backbone behind
>the eruption of skirmishes over science in school districts and state
>capitals across the country.
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