Dear Mukul:

I recd. your e-mail at Guwahati, but could not reply. Actually I did reply, but 
it did not go thru. Somehow my e-mail acct. does not work from 
India. In the meantime, something went wrong with my ISp and they deleted my 
entire acxct and I lost the archived mail. So upon return to the States on 
April 25, I could not retrieve or responsd to your mail.

Will you please reply again with your personal e-mail address?


Chandan Mahanta



Dated 29 April 2007

AssamWatch(UK) has noted with some relief that upon receiving firm written 
commitment from the Chief Minister of Assam, the six wives of the missing 
cadres of the United Liberation Front of Asom in Bhutan in December 2003 has 
ended their 'FAST UNTO DEATH' action on 26 April 2007. Assam Watch(UK) would 
like to thank the Government of Assam for intervening in time to save the lives 
of these determined ladies who has followed the footsteps of Mohan Das 
Karamchand Gandhi who went on repeated 'Fasting Protests' during the Indian 
independence struggle.

We are very hopeful that the Assam Government will honour the written 
reassurances and commitments given to the ladies on doing the needful in 
tracing the where about of the missing persons pursuing all avenues and return 
them to their families as soon as possible.

The ladies fasting from. 21 March 2007 have put their health in extreme 
jeopardy. Appropriate care need to be provided for overall well being of these 
ladies who have put their bodies through extreme starvation on a background of 
a anxiety over their beloved ones for over the last Two and a Half year and it 
is expected that the appropriate authorities have already taken this into 
consideration and continue the care needed for them without any prejudice.

Dr. M. Hazarika

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