Dear Assamnet members,

What do you say?

I would like to suggest the following single step to curb the menace of
Bangladeshis before they encroach to the very heart of Assam.
---Issue of Residence card ( same as a credit card ) to all
Bangladeshis (excludes people coming only for 2-3 days). The card should
1. Name of the person,
2. Date of birth
3. Date of arrival
4. Validity, i.e, upto which date the person is allowed to stay in
Assam. Once the validity is over, the person has to renew it depending
upon his elligibility, or else he has to be deported out of Assam.
  All the above records to be maintained computerised, so that at any
moment anyone can see the status of Bangladeshis living in Assam.

The foreigner (Bangladeshi) who is not having the residence card has to
be immediately deported to Bangladesh.

To implement the above, the local administration, the Police, Army and
AASU can be involved.
In simple words: All the border areas would have a team comprising of
an officer from the administration, the police, the army and a member
from AASU. The team members job would be as follows:

1. Get hold of the foreigners.
2. Take finger prints for records
3. Take photographs of the person
4. Issue the residence card if  he/she is found legal
5. Deport back immediately if his/her entry is found illegal.

Anywhere in Assam, the above team members to be given special authority
to check randomly, any person found suspicious, his residence card.

If we are able to implement such a process, I think we will be able to
contain this Bangladeshi menace.
However, the team members assigned for the job should be highly
motivated honest Assamese to make the  above system successful.


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