On Mon, 23 Aug 2010 10:48:08 +0200 Bernd Oppolzer <bernd.oppol...@t-online.de>

:>I believe that literals could be sorted by alignment requirement
:>instead of length, this way minimizing the needed padding bytes.
:>That is, multiples of 8 first, then multiples of 4, then multiples of
:>2, then odd lenghts, that need to be aligned on even addresses
:>because of relative addressing, then "true" odds, that dont have
:>this special requirement.

To me it would be a lot simpler to have an assembler option which specifies
the minimum alignment for each literal. It would default as is (byte), but
could be halfword/word/doubleword/quadword.

Much easier than sorting them and interleaving the odd length non-LARL
referenced byte aligned items between the odd length LARL referenced byte
aligned items.

:>Edward Jaffe schrieb:
:>> It does seem like it could be useful if literals inherited the
:>> worst-case alignment requirements imposed by the instruction operand(s)
:>> that reference them. But, doing so could introduce some new issues.
:>> Literals are currently sorted by length. Aligning short literals on a
:>> halfword, fullword, doubleword or quadword boundary might require the
:>> assembler to insert a lot of "filler" bytes in the literal pool. Would
:>> that be acceptable?

Binyamin Dissen <bdis...@dissensoftware.com>

Director, Dissen Software, Bar & Grill - Israel

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