"There are three queues - a requestor que, a process que and a reuseable
element que.

assuming que elements have the first word of which is the ptr to the next
que element, the requestors push elements to the top of the requestor que
with a single CS.  The elements are therefore in reverse order of

when the server wants to process elements and has no work on its que, it
removes all elements from the requestor que and reorders them by reversing
the pointers, so that the last element on the requestor que becomes the
top element of the server que.  the reordered que becomes its que.  the
server then processes the elements on its que from top down using a single
CS to get each element.

as elements are processed they are returned to the reuseable element que.
This is EXACTLY the processing I had in mind,worded very eloquently, and why
I couldn't see why an element number was needed, or CDS. I'm actully not
fussed about the reordering. The output file is a statistical file and error
log, there's no hard requirement for time ordering.

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