On Fri, 14 Oct 2011 08:09:08 +0200, Martin Truebner <mar...@pi-sysprog.de>

>>> That's not quite true. ....<<
>I do understand what you said. Would Peters stmt be "full*" true
>if a "problem state instructions..." is inserted?
>* I used "full" to remove/nullify/void/falsify your use of the word
>"quite". If this is wrong, I blame it on my lack of knowledge of the
>american language.

I'm not sure where you'd want to insert "problem state instructions",
Martin. But in any case, both Peter and Jim, as I read their messages, were
talking about the operating system itself running on the processors.

They were not making statements about which applications (client, or vendor,
or IBM) would run on which processors. The OS is very careful to check which
instructions and facilities are available and use alternatives as
appropriate, but we can't comment on what the applications that run on the
OS might do, and whether they will work on specific processors or OS
releases. Only the application developers know that.

Walt Farrell
IBM STSM, z/OS Security Design

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