On 11/7/2011 7:34 PM, Phil Sidler wrote:
ceetest  CEEENTRY PPA=mainppa
          CALL  PRINTF,string
          CEETERM  RC=0
string   DC    C'Hello world!'
          DC    X'15'
          DC    X'00'
mainppa  CEEPPA ,
          EJECT  ,
          CEEDSA ,
          CEECAA ,
          END    ceetest

One of those strange timing things where I see a reply before
I see the original question.

My example:

in_pat    dc     c'%s %i',x'00'
q_display dc     c'Quantity is %s',x'1500'
q_edpat   dc     x'40206B2020206B202120
          xc     qty,qty
          xc     in_desc,in_desc
          call   scanf,(in_pat,in_desc,in_qoh),vl,mf=(e,p)
          l      15,in_qoh
          cvd    15,dblwrd
          mvc    q_data,q_edpat
          ed     q_data,dblwrd+4
          call   printf,(q_display,qty),vl,mf=(e,p)
in_desc   ds     cl30
dblwrd    ds     d
in_qoh    ds     f
qty       ds     0cl11
q_data    ds     cl10
          ds     c
p         call   ,(0,0,0,0),mf=l

which demonstrates calling printf and scanf in a reentrant

This is an example from a lecture in our three day course
"Developing Applications for z/OS UNIX", more details at:


which includes calling a variety of C functions from programs
written in C, Assembler, COBOL, and PL/I.


Kind regards,

-Steve Comstock
The Trainer's Friend, Inc.


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