On 1/9/2012 10:37 AM, Walt Farrell wrote:
I think you need to show us more, Steve. Such as, what is the base register
that ENDIFILE is using to address "flags", and do both A and B have that
register set to the same value when they issue their GETs?

This reminded me of a couple of things.

I recall writing a program that reset the EOF condition, and
then changed FDAD in a QSAM DCB. I did a cursory search, but
could find neither the code nor the flag.

In the late nineties I was assigned to maintenance of some code,
that an ISV customer reported as buggy (erratic 0C4s). The
problem turned out to be a little like Steve's - the original
programmer assumed that the base registers in an exit would be
preserved, but in this case a WRITE was done in CLOSE, and the
exit got the SVC's registers.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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