On 1/23/2012 2:27 PM, Steve Comstock wrote:

I prefer to just code something like:

PrintLine DC C'This line is printed to "stdout".',x'15'

But, of course, you need to watch for length attributes
if you move or print or otherwise manipulate this; that
is L'PrintLine will not include the one byte for the x'15'.

Grrr!  The all-or-nothing treatment of hex should be regarded
as a design shortcoming.

I suspect John G. would advocate inventing a function so one
might code:

    PrintLine DC ESCAPE('This line is printed to "stdout".\x15')

Or even:

    PrintLine DC ESCAPE('This line is printed to "stdout".\n')

If such a function could be coded, could it be used as an argument
to DC in this fashion?

-- gil

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