My favourite one is:

    BALR  R3,0     SUBTRACT 1 FROM R3

Obviously, the opcode is wrong, should be BCTR.

But: it took me three months (!!!) to find the error, because I always
at the comment - at least 20 times - and never realized that the
operation did
something totally different than the subtraction suggested by the comment.

This was a length calculation before an EXed MVC, and the program crashed
sometimes due to the wrong length - but not always. The testers told me over
and over again, that there must be something wrong with this module, but I
simply didn't realize it.

Kind regards


Am 10.02.2012 16:46, schrieb Michael Stack:
At 03:36 PM 2/10/2012 +0000, you wrote:

I was taught at an early age to read the code rather than the comments,
especially when one disagrees with the other.
And I learned at an early age to look at the object code. This rule was 
hammered home when we purchased commercial software which contained such 
oddities as

R3       EQU   5

Michael Stack

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