On Wed, 6 Jun 2012 12:22:56 -0700 Scott Ford <scott_j_f...@yahoo.com> wrote:

:>We look like we had overflow from SP229 to SP230, I have never seen this 
before on z/OS.
:>The PSW appearly according to IBM pointed to our IRREVX01 exit, ok i 
understand that and it
:>was the GETMAIN that got a non-zero return code. So we know what happened , 
not the why .

GETMAIN RU does NOT get a defined return code. R15 is meaningless. The GETMAIN
has succeeded.

I would suggest that you are looking in the wrong area.

:> From: Binyamin Dissen <bdis...@dissensoftware.com>
:>Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2012 3:05 PM
:>Subject: Re: Getmain question
:>Which instruction got the pic-11?
:>Can you post the mini-dump including PSW and registers?
:>On Wed, 6 Jun 2012 09:41:13 -0700 Scott Ford <scott_j_f...@yahoo.com> wrote:
:>:>I am issuing a :
:>:>         LA    R0,DYNSIZE          dynamic area size to R0
:>:>         GETMAIN RU,LV=(0),SP=229  getmain dynamic area
:>:>         LTR   R15,R15             Do we have a zero return code ?
:>:>         BNZ   GETVERR             No bailout with a msg
:>:>         USING DYNAMIC,R1          Getmain - good
:>:>         ST    R13,SAVEAREA+4      save caller's savearea address
:>:>         ST    R1,8(R13)           save our savearea address
:>:>         LR    R13,R1              our savearea address to R13
:>:>         DROP  R1
:>:>         USING DYNAMIC,R13
:>:>         LA    R1,IDFWORK
:>:>         ST    R1,PARMLIST
:>:>         OI    PARMLIST,X'80'
:>:>This is being issued in IRREVX01, DYNSIZE is about 1000 bytes. A customer 
reported a S0C4-11 but they had
:>:>DIAG00 in SYS1.PARMLIB  as
:>:> DIAG
:>:>What we saw in a trace is getmains for subpool 230...we arent using 230, if 
sp229 didnt have enough storage i know this is
:>:>Private High, would i see a S0C4-11...?
:>:>Whats even more interesting, onely one customer out of about 300+ are 
seeing this on z/OS 1.11
:>:>One of the reasons I am asking, there seems to be a lot of issues with the 
DIAG parameter:
:>:>Am i all wet or am i thinking right ....
:>:>Scott J Ford
:>:>Software Engineer

Binyamin Dissen <bdis...@dissensoftware.com>

Director, Dissen Software, Bar & Grill - Israel

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