"Never" is putting it a bit strong.  Suppose you are -- sorry, were --
writing a macro that generates the code. Do you want a macro parameter
that specifies a one-byte work area?

BTW, the reason for omitting comments was to allow the reader a slight
frisson on figuring out how it actually works. As per the following famous
enhanced version:

*-4   EQU   *
      CLI   *+1,B'11111100'
      EX    R15,*-4
      BNE   error

Best regards, Steve Hobson

From: "Steve Hobson" <steve_hob...@uk.ibm.com>
Sent: Wednesday, 29 August 2012 12:53 AM

>Younger readers may like to know that years ago we would test the low two
>bits of R15 for zero like this:

>      CLI   *+1,B'11111100'
>      EX    R15,*-4
>      BNE   error

Never necessary to do that:

    STC    15,X
    TM    X,3
    BNE    ...

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