(This topic belongs on IBM-MAIN; it's of broader interest than HLASM.)

On Dec 9, 2012, at 05:52, Bob Raicer wrote:

> First, the mandatory disclaimer:  The content of this message is my
> personal view only and does not in any way reflect the opinion or position
> of my employer.
Me, too.

> I couldn't agree more with the overall sentiment about Infocenter -- it's
> miserable.
Me, too.

> For PDF reading and editing I use Foxit PhantomPDF.
I don't download the docs; I browse and search them on publibz.
I hope I'm not perceived as abusive, or even spoiling it for

> Unfortunately, none of the PDF reading software has great document
> searching capabilities.  The IBM Library Reader and the Softcopy Reader
> both do a dramatically better job against the BookManager format files.
Searching is much facilitated by good indexes, and indexes are
best maintained centrally, with least duplication of resource.
Hmmm.  I believe Google markets its search technology.  Might
the current doc source be rendered as HTML, and indexed by a
good search engine.  I understand (but am I correct?) that the
publibz web site maintains its repository in Bookie format and
converts to HTML on demand.  Omit the Bookie step.

I sometimes use Google to search for a specific term and it gives
me hits on Infocenter.

-- gil

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