On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 10:18 AM, Don Higgins <d...@higgins.net> wrote:

> Steve, all
> It does look like AGH is missing.  If not using register is more important
> than being RENT, here is test macro program which uses MVC and AGHI:
I didn't (and rarely do) have a register shortage, but if I did, I'd
probably do it like this:

LH R0,halfword

Kind of kludgey, I admit.

Incidentally, AR0 appears to never actually function as an access
register.  Sort of like R0 never functions as a base or index register.
However, R0 can be used for arithmetic, and MVCL, etc. can use it as an
address register.  But they do not use AR0 in that case.  Which seems odd.

And if you object to access register abuse, note that the STORAGE macro
does it when you specify STARTBDY (and probably in other cases).


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