With TRT, there was no easy way to test the remaining length; it first
had to
be computed by subtracting R1 from the end address.

But with TRTE, the remaining length is in R1+1, so that makes a
difference IMHO.

Kind regards


Am 20.10.2013 22:44, schrieb Ed Jaffe:
On 10/20/2013 7:07 AM, Martin Truebner wrote:
Does anyone have insights (or ideas) why CC 2 (xH) was omitted from

It is there in TRT and it does come handy when determine if there is a
remainder to process after the special-char was found.

I don't think I've ever truly leveraged RC=2 from TRT. I usually test
the length remaining at the top of the loop via DOEXIT.

Edward E Jaffe
Phoenix Software International, Inc
831 Parkview Drive North
El Segundo, CA 90245

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