At 09:38 +0000 on 11/18/2013, David Stokes wrote about Re: Relative
Branches / IBM macros:

Peter Relson wrote: For LLILF I would have said no since the LLILF
operand is an "immediate".

Well, I don't agree. Immediate operands are absolute expressions.
Witness the fact that you get the "Symbol A undefined" error just
the same writing say

         CLI  label,A(123)

(or AL1 for that matter), whereas LLILF clearly recognizes the
symbol as being external/relocatable, but doesn't like that. It
happily accepts say

XX    DS     0H


         LLILF  R15,XX-*

(whatever sense that might make).

I think it is choking on the symbol being an external not just a
relocatable. The latter it can compute. It might be interesting to
see what happens if XX is in a different CSECT from the LLILF (ie:
Will it accept it and adjust for the fact that the offset to the
CSECT is unknown until Bind Time - you know the offset in the
assembly but the Binder may move the 2 CSECTs apart).

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