John Ehrman wrote
>Can you provide an example of a couple
>of typical sets of 8 (non-hex?) input bytes and what you expect >as the 
>corresponding 4 (non-hex??) output bytes ?

Thanks For Responding:

The In put to this routine is Max 8 Characters,
consisting of Upper Case Alpha and Numeric (0-9). If the value is less than 8 
Characters the input is padded on the right with space.

There is No specific example, as this routine was used in many  installation to 
convert a VTAM NetName (LU Name) to a 4 Character Identifier.
You Could Have as Input:

The Input is irelevant, and the RADIX routine has no Inherent  knowledge as to 
what characters is being presented to It.

As far as the conversion to 4 Characters I dont have the routine so I don't 
know what converted value should.

The out put or conversion to 4 Characters can be Upper & Lower Case Letters, 
Numerics, and a limited set of special characters.

The original Radix 55 routine only used Upper & lower Case Aplha Characteris 
and some special characters. My routine was expanded to include Numbers.

Again the RADIX55 Routine has to knowledge of the format or the characters of 
the input.


---------- Original Message ----------
From: John Ehrman <>
Subject: Re: Call For Sample Code RADIX13/RADIX55
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 18:36:55 -0800

Paul, your description is unclear.  Can you provide an example of a couple
of typical sets of 8 (non-hex?) input bytes and what you expect as the
corresponding 4 (non-hex??) output bytes?

>Can someone provide me with sample code that uses RADIX13 or Modulo55. My
Modulo55 code is burried in a storage locker which I wont be able to get to
until March.

>By RADIX13 or Module 55 I mean the conversion routine that takes for
example 8 Characters (non-hex) as input and converts them to 4 Chracters
(non-hex). The Eight Character input is left justified padded with spaces
on the right. It is typically used by CICS Terminal AutoInstall to develope

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