I'm trying to use a dependant USING for an area beyond 4096 bytes from the
base register, but the USING is generating a "ASMA307E No active USING for
operand" error.

The Language Reference manual states for "Dependant USING" on page 227:

is a simply relocatable expression that represents an implicit address
within the
| range of an active USING instruction. The range of an active USING is
| considered to be that which is valid for generating 12-bit or 20-bit
| displacements.

so it should work.  However there are revision bars so maybe our system is
missing maintenance.
Does the following assemble cleanly for anyone on the list?

TEST     TITLE 'Dependant USING beyond 4K'
         USING TEST,12
         USING (Area1,Area1+Area1Len),11
         EJECT ,                 Display USING map
         USING Area2,Fld4
         LLH   0,Yonder1
         LAY   1,Yonder2
         LTORG ,
Area1    DSECT
Fld1     DS    XL2048
Fld2     DS    XL2048
Fld3     DS    XL2048
Fld4     DS    XL2048
Area1Len EQU   *-Area1
Area2    DSECT
Yonder1  DS    H
Yonder2  DS    0X

Robert Ngan
CSC Financial Services Group

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