At 18:35 +0000 on 04/19/2014, wrote about ASMA034E:


I know this topic has been discussed before..
Im on a Z/OS 1.7 system with HLASM R5.0
Im trying to maintain the concept of "Baseless Code" in some
programs, I keep running into some macros on Z/os 1.7 that use  BAL
And as such i receive message
** ASMA034E Operand *+20 beyond active USING range by 185 bytes
** ASMA435I Record 124 in SYS1.MACLIB(IHBINNRB) on volume: S7RES1
I could move the routine to another location in this module, and
that would avoid the ASMA034E. Is there a recommended technique to
use where I could convert the BAL instruction in the macro to
another branch instruction ?
Paul D'Angelo

I think that there is a SYS????? macro you can put at the start of
your code that tells macros like IHBINNRB to use baseless branches in
lieu of BAL. Look at the IHBINNRB macro and see if there is an AIF to
cause it use an alternate instruction.

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