<My comments> on Ed Jaffe's posting:

Of course, there is no substitute for thorough testing. But, it occurs 
to me that the assembler could issue a warning when data is lost from 
truncation as the result of a nominal value requiring more bytes than 
are explicitly specified via a length modifier.
<A reasonable request.>

Note: according to the book, double-byte character constants can't be 
truncated, fixed-point constants can't be truncated if it will result in 
data loss, and floating-point constants are rounded.
<This depends on who is doing the truncation, and when. At assembly
time, HLASM complains if you truncate DBCS data, or if nmueric data
loses all precision. At execution time, your program can truncate any
and every type of data.>

Is there a way to achieve what I want using existing HLASM R6 options? 
<I know of none.>

John Ehrman

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