I want to load a program that has AMODE 64 from a Program with AMODE 31.
I looked at David Bonds Share Session 8158 - August. 2003
64-Bit z/OS Assembler Coding.
It was very informative.
So I issue a Load for PROG64 which has AMODE 64, from a program with AMODE 31.
LOAD  EPLOC=(R2)          ISSUE LOAD                           
STM   R15,R1,SVLOADZ    SAVE REGISTERS FROM LOAD                 ST    
At a Latter Time,I want to invoke this module passing a structure whose address 
is in Register 1, using the following instructions.
LARL  R1,STRUCT31    31 Bit Structure
L     R15,PROG64@    Get Target Routine Address from Load
LLGTR R15,R15        Ensure R15 Has a Good Address    
BASSM R14,R15        Call PROG64 in AMODE 64
*31 Bit Storage
         DS   0D
PROG64$  DC   CL8'PROG64  '
PROG64@  DC   A(0)
STRUCT31 DS   CL256 
Are the above sequence of instructions correct ?
Do I need to issue LLGTR ?
What am I mis understanding to accomplish this ?
Paul D'Angelo

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