Thanks Mars looks like a good starting point.
I have a program to check the enqueues for a dataset in ISPF: LA R10,RNAMELEN ISGQUERY ANSAREA=ANSWER,ANSLEN=ANSLEN, X GATHERFROM=SYSPLEX,ANSDETAIL=FULL, X SEARCH=BY_FILTER,SCANACTION=START,SCOPE=SYSPLEX, X REQINFO=QSCAN,RESUMETOKEN=RESUMETK, X RNAME=RNAME,QNAME=SYSDSN,RNAMELEN=(R10), X RNAMEMATCH=PATTERN,RETCODE=RETCODE, X QNAMEMATCH=SPECIFIC,RSNCODE=RSNCODE * LA R6,ANSWER Address returned area R6 USING ISGYQUAAHDR,R6 Map the header * * ISGLOOP0 L R3,ISGYQUAAHDRFIRSTRECORD31 Address first record L R4,ISGYQUAAHDRNUMRECORDS Address the count ISGLOOP EQU * USING ISGYQUAARS,R3 Map the next Resource Rec TM ISGYQUAARSFLAGS1,ISGYQUAARSRQSOMITTED Any dropped? BNO ISGLOOP1 No, branch * * Requester area too small * ISGLOOP1 EQU * L R5,ISGYQUAARSFIRSTRQ31 Address first requester L R6,ISGYQUAARSNUMRQ Address count ISGLOOP2 EQU * USING ISGYQUAARQ,R5 Map Requester area MVC ENQTYPE,=CL4'SHR ' TM ISGYQUAARQFLAGS1,ISGYQUAARQCONTROL Is the ENQ=SHR? BO ISGLOOP3 Yes branch MVC ENQTYPE,=CL4'EXC ' ISGLOOP3 TM ISGYQUAARQFLAGS1,ISGYQUAARQOWNER Is this the OWNER? BNO ISGLOOP4 No branch MVC ENQOWNR,=CL6'USING ' B ISGLOOP5 Branch ISGLOOP4 EQU * TM ISGYQUAARQFLAGS1,ISGYQUAARQMATU Is Requester using it? BO ISGLOOP5 Yes branch MVC ENQOWNR,=CL6'WAIT ' ISGLOOP5 DS 0H * Is Requester Data Record Extension valid? TM ISGYQUAARQFLAGS2,ISGYQUAARQRQXVALID BNO ISGLOOP9 No branch L R7,ISGYQUAARQRQX31 Address the area USING ISGYQUAARQX,R7 Map the extension area MVC OUTREC+47(2),ISGYQUAARQXSYSNAME Put in the system MVC OUTREC+51(8),ISGYQUAARQXJOBNAME Put in the jobname MVC OUTREC+61(3),ENQTYPE Put in the ENQ type MVC OUTREC+66(5),ENQOWNR Put in the OWNER field DROP R7 ISGLOOP DS 0H Thanks, Mark. -----Original Message----- From: IBM Mainframe Assembler List [mailto:ASSEMBLER-LIST@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU] On Behalf Of Sent: 13 February 2016 16:56 To: ASSEMBLER-LIST@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU Subject: Would ISGQUERY be the proper macro/service . I have a Started Task (STC), and sometimes a batch job will hold a VSAM dataset needed by this STC. This prevents the STC from properly re-opening the dataset. . Share Options are 2,3 and Transactional VSAM (RLS) is not an option. . . Im looking for a macro or callable service that will allow the Started Task to identify the name of the batch job that has opened a VSAM dataset which the Started Task needs. . . I started reading the description of the ISGQUERY and its various Mapping Macros but i dont see where it would returns the name of a batch job that has allocated a VSAM dataset. I suspect I would use GATHERFROM=SYSTEM with SCOPE=SYSTEM, since the batch processing occurs on the same LPAR as the Started Task. Is ISGQUERY the proper macro/service to accomplish this ? . Would someone provide some sample code and point me to the proper macro/service to invoke. . . The Started Task happens to be a CICS Address Space and we would use a CICS Supplied Open Exit to drive this. . . Paul D'Angelo ************* ************* This message is private and confidential and may also be legally privileged. If you have received this message in error, please email it back to the sender and immediately permanently delete it from your computer system. Please do not read, print, re-transmit, store or act in reliance on it or any attachments. British Airways may monitor email traffic data and also the content of emails, where permitted by law, for the purposes of security and staff training and in order to prevent or detect unauthorised use of the British Airways email system. Virus checking of emails (including attachments) is the responsibility of the recipient. British Airways Plc is a public limited company registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 1777777. Registered office: Waterside, PO Box 365, Harmondsworth, West Drayton, Middlesex, England, UB7 0GB. Additional terms and conditions are available on our website: