On 1/17/2017 7:38 AM, somitcw wrote:
Does IBM plan to back-off the change from RXE to RXY and
go in a different direction or are they just sloppy about keeping
the first part of the manual insync with the rest?

According to Dan Greiner, the Principles of Operation is accurate and IBM is neither being sloppy nor backing off any promised change. He writes:

"If one bothers to notice the heading under which [the cited text] appears:

 * In Chapter 7, “General Instructions”:

     –        Thirty-nine instructions provided by the
     long-displacement facility are added. With  the exception of the
   new LOAD BYTE  instruction, the instructions added by the
   long-displacement facility have names and  functions that are the
   same as existing  instructions (but the mnemonics and opcodes are
   new). The new instructions are of formats RSY, RXY, and SIY and have
   a 20-bit signed displacement instead of a 12-bit unsigned displacement.

     –        All previously existing format-RSE and  format-RXE
   instructions are changed to be of formats RSY and RXY, respectively,
   by  use of a previously unused byte in the  instructions. These
   changes are not  marked by a bar in the margin.

     –        Five instructions provided by the  message-security
   assist are added.

Thus, this statement regarding format-RSE and -RXE instructions applies only to those in Chapter 7. A similar statement follows re: format-RSE instructions in Chapter 10.

I wasn't involved in the initial design of long displacement, but as I recall, there was much discussion as to whether there was a need to extend the HFP and BFP instructions that access storage. Other than adding long-displacement forms of LOAD (LEY, LDY) and STORE (STEY, STDY), they decided against it. As you will have noticed with the newer DFP and vector instructions, the vast majority are register-to-register instructions; there are precious few that have storage operands. I suspect this trend may have influenced the decision to not extend the existing HFP and BFP operations to long-displacement forms."

Edward E Jaffe
Phoenix Software International, Inc
831 Parkview Drive North
El Segundo, CA 90245

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