On 2017-05-17, at 18:18, Robin Vowels wrote:
>>> This takes O(n) time, as opposed to O(n log n) for Peter's
>>> "generate and sort" method. With only 99,999 numbers the extra CPU time
>>> may not be significant, depending on how often you need to generate
>>> a sequence.
>> Presuming that the table fits in main memory.  On the first mainframes
>> I used, 99,999 wouldn't have fit.
> You don't need to store all the numbers.
> One buit for each number was sufficient.
Are you thinking of something like:
557 $ cat perm
/* Rexx */ signal on novalue;  /*
   Generate random pemutation of N objects.
N = 99999    /* Size of list.  */
Mark. = 1

Found = 0;  do I = 1         /* I counts probes.  */
    R = random( 1, N )
    if Mark.R then do
        Found = Found + 1    /* Count successes.  */
        Mark.R = 0
        say right( I, 11 ) right( Found, 6 ) right( R, 6 );  end
    if Found>= N; then leave I;  end I
return( 0 )

OK.  I was afraid it would have an unacceptable quadratic behavior

... but for 99,999 entries it's pretty good:
    1025726  99997  70050
    1042922  99998  86816
    1287281  99999  20208

real    0m2.704s
user    0m2.031s
sys     0m0.281s

-- gil

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