JonYou could create objects in HLASM, as the other gentleman demonstrated with 
a real life example of a session manager.  If we define objects as some entity 
that could be probed in runtime, then by all means you could do that in HLASM.  
I am not a great fan of oo languges as they tend to stand between you and what 
you wasnt to do.  As for this psedocode demonstrate, assuming you want to match 
some regex with a string
In a non oo langage you do
If string matches pattern then do something
In oo language you do
Declare a regex object
Instanciate the regex object
Apply the pattern to the object
Apply the object.match method to the string
If it matches then do something
However, if you so choose to go the oo rout, then the syntax of the language 
lend itself to the oo way.  HLASM and its macro languge are second to none.  
The syntax is not oo.  You could obviiusly build objects, instanciate them, 
apply values and use their methods, but the syntax of HLASM will never be oo.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 6:37 PM, Jon Perryman<> wrote:   
-- reformatted message -- sorry I forgot to make it readable by this group. 

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