On 2018-08-01, at 12:23:20, Dan Greiner wrote:
> As to Charles' comment about using EQU as a branch target, I'm a little bit 
> less comfortable.  If — by chance or accident — there happens to be code 
> before the EQU that knocks the location off a halfword boundary, this could 
> spell trouble.  E.g:
This happened to us when we changed the length of our boilerplate copyright
notice.  The remedy was to add "DS 0H" to the end of that COPY member.
I considered this overkill and argued against it because it might add a byte
to half our load modules, whether they needed it or not.

Those source members that started with Branch to an instruction were unaffected;
those that started with Branch to "DS 0H" were at risk.

I was outvoted; storage is cheap nowadays.

-- gil

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