Hers is the assembler listing

                      0000F          63+R15      EQU   15              
                                     65          ENTRY FREAD24         
                                     66          DBGRPRLG DSA=30       
000000 EBEC D008 0024       00008    67+         STMG  R14,R12,8(R13)  
000006 B904 00AD                     68+         LGR   R10,R13         
00000A C030 FFFF FFFB       00000    69+         LARL  R3,SOPEN24      
                 R:3  00000          70+         USING SOPEN24,R3      
                 R:D  00000          71+         USING WS_DSECT,R13    
000010 E3DD 0090 0004       00090    72+         LG    R13,NAB-WS_DSECT
000016 E3A0 D080 0024       00080    73+         STG   R10,128(,R13)   
00001C 41B0 D090            00090    74+         LA    R11,NAB         
000020 4AB0 31D8            001D8    75+         AH    R11,=H'30'      
000024 E3B0 D090 0024       00090    76+         STG   R11,NAB         
00002A E340 1000 0004       00000    77          LG    R4,0(,R1)       
000030 E350 1008 0004       00008    78          LG    R5,8(,R1)       
                 R:3  00000          79          USING SOPEN24,R3      
                                    171          DBGREPLG              
00011E E3D0 D080 0004       00080   172+         LG    R13,128(,R13)   
000124 41BD 0090            00090   173+         LA    R11,NAB-WS_DSECT
000128 E3B0 D090 0024       00090   174+         STG   R11,NAB         
00012E EBEC D008 0004       00008   175+         LMG   R14,R12,8(R13)  
  Active Usings: FREAD24,R3  WS_DSECT,R13                              
  Loc  Object Code    Addr1 Addr2  Stmt   Source Statement             
000134 07FE                         176+         BR    R14             
000000                00000 00098   177+WS_DSECT  DSECT                
000000                              178+         DS    18FD            
000090                              179+NAB      DS    AD                       
    ====== As you can see a DS CL30 wasn’t generated   
000136                00000 001DA   180+SOPEN24   CSECT                
000136                              181 EOF      DS    0H              
000136 E3F0 3122 0004       001B8   182          LG    R15,=FD'-1'     
00013C 58F0 312A            001C0   183          L     R15,=AD(BAC

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Assembler List <ASSEMBLER-LIST@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU> On Behalf 
Of Bernd Oppolzer
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 2:34 AM
Subject: Re: Global character not keeping value

Hi Joe,

IMO, this should work, if you do a PRLG 30 call before the EPLG call in the 
open code.

Could you please post the whole relevant part of the code (complete macro 
definitions and the snippets of the open code in the correct sequence), so that 
we can take a look at it?

Another suggestion: please make sure that there is no reference of &DSASUM at 
another place, which may reset its value to the empty string.

Kind regards


Am 18.11.2019 um 00:00 schrieb Joe Reichman:
> I have a prolog and eplog macros as exit and entry to program
> The prolog is coded as such
>                    MACRO
>   &NAME    PRLG    &DSA
>                     GBLC   &DSANUM
> When used in the prolog
>    As such
>            AIF   ('&DSANUM' EQ '').NODSA
>            AH    R11,=H'&DSANUM'
>     I get the value I coded e.g. PRLG 30
> GNERATES AH   R11,=H'30'
> However when I used it in the EIPLOG it fails to retain its value and 
> is null
>                MACRO
>                EPLG
>               LCLC  &CURCSECT
>              GBLC  &DSANUM
> As this code in the eplog is skipped
>                  DS    18FD
>   NAB      DS    AD
>               AIF   ('&DSANUM' EQ '').NODSA
>                 DS    CL&DSANUM

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