In that case, a formatted dump (SYSUDUMP or SYSABEND) would be sufficient.
The registers and PSW at time of abend are normally displayed in the job log.

I do a lot of IMS work, so prefer the SYSABEND to get the CSA. Otherwise, 
SYSUDUMP should be sufficient.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tony Thigpen" <>
To: "IBM Mainframe Assembler List" <ASSEMBLER-LIST@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2020 4:13:35 PM
Subject: Re: SDUMPs


You are way deeper into the grass than I am. To the point that most of 
what you said assumes that I have a lot of z/OS specific knowledge I 
don't have.

You give me a z/VSE system dump and I could probably run circles around 
you, but the way z/OS is doing dumps, including this IPCS stuff, is a 
foreign language to me.

All I really want to do is display the registers and storage belonging 
to the current job at any abend. I don't need the supervisor areas (CVT, 

Tony Thigpen

Peter Relson wrote on 10/30/20 9:33 AM:
> <snip>
> When I add a DC X'0000' and I force a SOC1, I don't see any
> dump added to IPCS.
> </snip>
> If your program has a SYSMDUMP DD statement and your program ends with an
> operation exception, you will get a SYSMDUMP.
> Where you have targeted that SYSMDUMP is up to you. It is up to you to
> tell IPCS what dump you are looking at.
> Within IPCS, "browse" is a way to look at storage, or the "L" (list)
> command.
> "IPCS STATUS FAILDATA" is a good place to start.
> For the cases described, SDUMP is not appropriate (even if you're allowed
> to do so).
> Peter Relson
> z/OS Core Technology Design

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