On Feb 1, 2022, at 09:38:58, Dave Clark wrote:
>        I previously asked about 32-bit unsigned numbers and that opened 
> up some new instructions (new to me, anyway: LLGF, LLGH, etc) for loading 
> unsigned numbers into registers.  But now I have need to load a 64-bit 
> unsigned value into a register and I don't see an LLGD instruction for 
> that.
>        In case it makes a difference, this value is a timestamp 
> (presumably from the store-clock instruction) but it is stored in an 
> 8-byte file field.  Now I need to take the file field and turn it into a 
> date and a time value.  I have done this in REXX and COBOL but now I need 
> to do it in assembler.  Actually, I have done something similar in 
> assembler but it was for the CICS ABSTIME value -- which is a 15-digit 
> packed number, not binary.
>        So, any hints?  Thanks.
You can do it wrong with STCKCONV.  IBM has documented the flaw and
institutionalized it as a feature.


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