Right. AHI is an add instruction, even though you can (I assume?) code AHI


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Assembler List [mailto:ASSEMBLER-LIST@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU]
On Behalf Of Dave Clark
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2022 8:27 AM
Subject: Re: Branch-and-Link nomenclature question

"IBM Mainframe Assembler List" <ASSEMBLER-LIST@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU> wrote on 
02/10/2022 11:18:47 AM:
> My first take is "call instructions", but that excludes, e.g/,
> BALR R12,0.

        JMO, but just because an instruction has a feature where it 
doesn't actually invoke anything, doesn't mean it would be excluded from 
the group of instructions that do invoke something.  Its main use is to 
invoke something after all.

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