"A gentle reminder on terminology: The term "JUMP" appears neither in the PoO nor in the z/Architecture Reference Summary (SA22-7832). What you refer to as "JAS (jump and save)" is simply reflecting the extended mnemonic for BRANCH RELATIVE AND SAVE (BRAS)."

The PoOps has some inconsistencies... One that I find rather irritating is the presences of extended mnemonics for a large number of newer instructions, but the omission of same for all of the BC, BRC, BRAS and related instructions.

Yes, I am quite aware that I included redundant entries in my list. I didn't care because it was beside the point.

Speaking of fake mnemonics... What is the difference between "extended mnemonics" (such as CGIJNE) and "alternative mnemonics" (such as JAS)? Is it that one is documented only in the PoOp and the other only in HLASM Ref?

(FWIW, I find both books to be abysmal documents!)
(There. That ought to create a firestorm!)


At 2/10/2022 01:27 PM, Dan Greiner wrote:
Having learned this stuff in the 1970s — before the linkage stack showed up in the late 1980s — I was accustomed to hearing them called simply "linkage instructions." For the common usage of application programmers who need a simple instruction to branch to Oz while leaving a footprint of how to get back to Kansas, that's probably sufficient.

The z/Architecture Principles of Operation (SA22-7832-10) refers to such instruction in a section labelled "Subroutine Linkage without the Linkage Stack" (p. 5-16 onward), with the simple stuff like BAL[R], BAS[R] and friends called "Simple Branch Instructions". This text shows the awkwardness that crept into the architecture when various commonly-used terms get redeployed for other purposes. [A brief aside: During the design of the S/360, the designers deliberately eschewed a stack architecture in favor of the chained save-area approach. With the advent of ESA, they changed their minds (sort of) and implemented a linkage stack.]

A gentle reminder on terminology: The term "JUMP" appears neither in the PoO nor in the z/Architecture Reference Summary (SA22-7832). What you refer to as "JAS (jump and save)" is simply reflecting the extended mnemonic for BRANCH RELATIVE AND SAVE (BRAS).

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