Being aware that we do not do the homework for pupils here, but since Dave is apparently not

and I found it an interesting problem, here is my solution:

****** R14 thru R1 are used
         LA    R14,WORK
         LHI   R1,10       length of number
         LA    R15,0(R14,R1)    load end of number
AFTER    EQU   8           number of digits after the point
         TM    WORK,X'F0'  does it start with a digit
         JO    NO_SIGN
         CLI   0(R14),C'+'
         JE    NOT_MINUS
         AHI   R1,256*1    now we have 01 ll in R1
         AHI   R14,1       correct start
         BCTR  R1,0        adjust length
NO_SIGN        DS  0H
         LHI   R0,C'.'
         SRST  R15,R14
         LA    R0,AFTER   do not destroy CC here (!!)
         JP    NO_POINT   nothing found
         BCTR  R1,0       adjust length
         EXRL  R1,MVC     0(*-*,R15),1(R15) remove point
         SR    R15,R14    =number of digits ahead of the point
         SR    R15,R1     =number of digits after the point(+sign)
         LPR   R15,R15
         NILL  R15,X'00FF' remove sign-indicator
         SR    R0,R15    r0 is now number of digits to shift left
         BCTR  R1,0
         EXRL  R1,PKA
         SRL   R1,8
         EXRL  R1,OI     correct the sign
         LR    R15,R0    make r0 usable in SRP
         SRP   RESULT,0(R15),0   adjust decimals
*        this is it

MVC      MVC   0(*-*,R15),1(R15) remove point
PKA      PKA   RESULT,0(*-*,R14)
OI       OI    RESULT+L'RESULT-1,*-*
WORK     DS    CL40


Dave: if you want I send you the testpgm around the above that I used to develop this

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