I have used similar logic to "round up" a length or address value
with the same architecturally integral constraints.  In this old
code fragment GPR 15 contains the initial value to be adjusted.
Yes, the code needs to be tweaked for 64-bit values.

I guess if I hurt my head a bit I could use the ROTATE THEN *
SELECTED BITS instructions too !  Nifty (perhaps?)!

: DBLRND   EQU   B'111'                A double-word length or
: *                                    boundary rounding value.
: *
:          LA    R14,DBLRND(,0)        Load a double-word rounding
: *                                    value.
: *
:          ALR   R15,R14               Round up the initial value.
: *
:          XR    R14,R15               Obtain the rounded sum with
: *                                    the rounding bits inverted.
: *
:          NR    R15,R14               Obtain the rounded value.

Just out of curiosity, are the various Rotate instructions all
implemented in hardware on all of the machine models where they

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