My perspective is that there is no way that a branch relative will be slower, 
and saving a register help me to streamline my code, so there is no down side 
to automatically using branch relative. If I have to support antique boxen I'll 
dual path inside a macro.

But, yes, pipeline preloading should be easier.

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz

From: IBM Mainframe Assembler List [ASSEMBLER-LIST@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU] on behalf 
of Charles Mills []
Sent: Friday, March 4, 2022 2:27 PM
Subject: Re: Jump vs. Branch

In theory the branch relative is easier on the pipeline. An old
base-displacement branch is dependent on the value of some register, which
in theory may be subject to the machinations of the fixed point arithmetic
unit. A relative jump is only dependent on the instruction counter and the
contents of the instruction itself.


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Assembler List [mailto:ASSEMBLER-LIST@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU]
On Behalf Of Seymour J Metz
Sent: Friday, March 4, 2022 10:40 AM
Subject: Re: Jump vs. Branch

I don't know why he uses the term indirect; if anything, they're more direct
then the old branches. I wouldn't expect them to be more efficient, but if
you use them for all branches then you can save a register, which can avoid
otherwise extraneous saves and restores. Unless I have to run on a really
old box, I'd use the jump instructions all the time.

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