The long-displacement facility has been part of the z/OS architecture level set 
since z/OS 2.1 (including the "high performance" variant).

Mark B wrote:
If you need to test a facility bit in the range of 0-31 then use the list of 
bits stored by the STORE FACILITY LIST instruction, which should have been 
placed in some common location by the OS you're running on, typically at 
location x'C8'.  If you need to test a facility bit >=32 *and* you might 
possibly be running on a pre-z9 machine(!) then first test bit 7 of the result 
stored by STORE FACILITY LIST to see if STFLE is available, and if it is then 
issue the STFLE instruction (if the output isn't already available somewhere) 
and test the bit from the list of bits stored.

For z/OS, the IPL-time output is "already available somewhere".

If you are interested in the IPL-time state of facility bits (which in almost 
all cases is what you would care about), as opposed to the state "now":

  *   For any bit in the first 256, you can look at the area located by x'C8' 
(FLCFACL/FLCFACLE in IHAPSA, or FlceFactilitiesList/FlceFacilitiesList1 in 
  *   For any bit at all you can look at the area mapped by IHAFACL and pointed 
to by ECVTFACL (you can also use IHAFACL to look at the PSA area, with a little 
manipulation to account for the header of the area pointed to by ECVTFACL)

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

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