On Thu, 7 Jul 2022 08:19:42 -0700, Charles Mills  wrote:
>> The CLI chain might be optimized by CLI first for the median value
>In fact, if there were enough I values, might one not effectively do a binary 
>search? There is an amusing coding problem.
Why didn't I think of that!?  And "median" may depend on a priori statistics of 
the subject data.

On Thu, 7 Jul 2022 16:20:29 +0100, Jonathan Scott wrote:
>Branching and looping are expensive, ...
I wasn't envisioning a loop, but an inline sequence of tests,
depending on parse state.

My skills are stalled at the 370 level.

>If it's a single byte with multiple target values, I probably
>wouldn't use TRT but would rather use the byte value to index
>into the TRT table directly.
C compilers tend to index into a table of masks defined by #include <ctype.h>.


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