Dave Cole wrote

Also, I probably wouldn't bother with a USING. My favorite

instruction for this is:

          L     R10,PSATOLD-PSA(0)

Note, providing the "0" for the index register prevents that rather

annoying ASMA306W message.

ASMA306W is for overlapping usings. So I don't think it would apply to this "L" 
which is unaffected by USINGs.

And if you're referring to ASMA309W, I'd say that it's not right --  You need 0 
as a base register to prevent ASMA306W.
And of course you can not use FLAG(PAGE0) if you don't like that message.
Here are the examples that come to mind (I removed the ASMA435I messages), 
00000000 5880 021C               0000021C      4          L     R8,PSATOLD-PSA
** ASMA309W Operand PSATOLD-PSA resolved to a displacement with no base register
00000004 5880 021C               0000021C      5          L     
** ASMA309W Operand PSATOLD-PSA(0) resolved to a displacement with no base 
00000008 5880 021C               0000021C      6          L     
0000000C 5880 021C               0000021C      7          L     

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

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