> Mark Hammack 
> YES     EQU X'FF'
> NO       EQU X'00'
> TRUE    EQU  -1

Using TRUE EQU YES makes your intent clear.  Coding X'FF' would be consistent. 
-1 should not be used.

> I realize that bytes are unsigned whereas anything bigger is signed.

Numbers in HLAsm are signed or unsigned and have a length of 2, 4 or 8 bytes 
(ignoring float & packed).  1 byte is not considered a number. 

>  it would be nice if the assembler "understood" that x'FF' and -1 are 
> "equivalent"

In C, they are equivalent but HLAsm is warning us that it's making an 
assumption about our intent.

> MVHI (and MVHHI for a halfword bool) doesn't sign extend

I'm not familiar with these instructions but I assume they are for the C 
compiler. If there aren't signed equivalents, then I'm guessing the C compiler 
did not need them.

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