Jon Perryman < wrote:
> 3. Abend recovery can be more difficult. It's been a long time but if I
> remember correctly, ESTAE creates a linkage stack entry and an abend causes
> linkage stack entries to be flushed up to the ESTAE entry thus limiting
> recovery to the CSECT which requires setting up recovery environment for
> each point that requires recovery.

That's not quite correct. What happens is this:
* ESTAE-create does not create LSEs (Linkage Stack Entries). What it does do is mark the LSE that is current at the time of ESTAE-create. * Then ESTAE cancel will purge all LSEs that are newer that what existed at ESTAE-create time. That can be quite a rude surprise if you're using BAKR/PRs without regard to ESTAE-create points.

Dave Cole, Developer (personal) (business)
540-456-6518 (cell)

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