Hi... I hope someone can help me... I'm seeing some behavior that I'm not 

I've written a macro (let's call it MYMAC) that contains an inner macro (let's 
call it MYINNER). I have a PRINT NOGEN at the start of my program. There is one 
invocation in my program of MYMAC. In the assembler listing, MYMAC is not 
expanded (that's correct). But immediately after the call to MYMAC in the 
listing, the entire macro source of MYINNER (including the macro comments 
beginning with dot-asterisk) are printed in the listing.

I would not have expected to see MYINNER printed at all with PRINT NOGEN in 
effect. It's entirely possible that I'm misunderstanding something or maybe 
missing an option... can anyone advise me?

Thank you,


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