Note that 
         LA    R9,TABLE1+2             ADDRESS OF BEGINNING OF TABLE      
         AH    R9,TABLE1               CALC ADDR OF END OF TABLE 
will not establish the end of table suitable for the BXLE instruction.

The table coded in the example below has a wrong total length (XL2'008F'), you 
have forgotten to include the elements length fields.
Also the calculated end of table must be at least 1 byte before the end, 
otherwise BXLE will not stop at the end (as BXL would have done, but that 
instruction doesn't exist).

It is essential that a correct compare value for BXLE is established, otherwise 
it may not work as intended when the search is for an entry not present in the 


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Assembler List <ASSEMBLER-LIST@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU> On Behalf 
Of Mark Young
Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 7:37 PM
Subject: Re: BXLE usage assistance

Thanks for all the replies.  See the code sample below.  I'm getting stuck 
trying to get the length for the next table entry into R8 so the BXLE 
instruction loop the correct length.  Let me know if I'm on the correct path, 
or I'm in never never land.   Also, the --->>>          <<<--- is where I think 
I'm getting stuck. 

TESTBXLE CSECT ,                                                          
TESTBXLE AMODE 31                                                         
TESTBXLE RMODE ANY                                                        
         SAVE  (14,12),,TESTBXLE*&SYSDATE*&SYSTIME                        
         BALR  R12,0                   R12 - BASE REGISTER                
         USING *,R12                   ESTABLISH ADDRESSABILITY           
         ST    R13,SAVEAREA+4          SAVEAREA                           
         LA    R13,SAVEAREA            POINTERS                           
CHKOPTS1 LA    R7,TABLE1+4             ADDRESS OF FIRST ELEMENT           
         LH    R8,TABLE1+2             LENGTH OF TABLE ENTRY              
         LA    R9,TABLE1+2             ADDRESS OF BEGINNING OF TABLE      
         AH    R9,TABLE1               CALC ADDR OF END OF TABLE          
LOOP1    CLC   0(9,R7),=C'FFFFFFFFF'                                      
         BE    FOUND                   ENTRY FOUND = RC=0                 
--->>>   LH    R8,0(2,R7)  <<<---      POINT TO LENGTH OF NEXT ENTRY      
         BXLE  R7,R8,LOOP1             LOOPING UNTIL OPT FOUND            
         B     NOTFND                  ENRTY NOT FOUND ? RC=8             
FOUND    L     R13,SAVEAREA+4                                             
         RETURN (14,12),RC=0                                              
NOTFND   L     R13,SAVEAREA+4                                             
         RETURN (14,12),RC=8                                              
         PRINT NOGEN                                                      
SAVEAREA DS    18F                                                        
TABLE1   DS    0F                                                         
         DC    XL2'008F'                                                  
         DC    XL2'000E',CL14'AAAAAAAAAAAAAA'                             
         DC    XL2'000F',CL15'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB'                            
         DC    XL2'0011',CL17'CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC'                          
         DC    XL2'000D',CL13'DDDDDDDDDDDDD'                              
         DC    XL2'0017',CL23'EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE'                    
         DC    XL2'0009',CL9'FFFFFFFFF'                                   
         DC    XL2'0013',CL19'GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG'                        
         DC    XL2'0019',CL25'HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH'                  
         DC    XL2'0008',CL8'IIIIIIII'                                    
         END   TESTBXLE                                                   


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