Charles Marcus wrote:
> v2 is shaping up to be much more than just that. As the single point of
> entry/exit, it is a good place to add such optional functionality.

For those of us that can run v2, maybe.

>> Leave the archiving to a program that is designed to archive.
> Once ASSP is 'designed to archive', what will your statement mean?

It will mean that ASSP is no longer just a spam filter.

> Unless you are one of those rigid 'one tool for one job' folks...

I am not.  But, ASSP has already gone beyond what it started out to be.  
To the point that it can take quite some time to figure out what it can 
do and where those options may be.


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"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary 
Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

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